Many of the custom hairstyles you will attempt to download, might be in the form of a Zip, which is a compressed file that contains all the files, in one compressed file. How To Install Custom Hairstyles Install WinRar or 7Zip In the list of the following creations, I included some retextures/recolors of the original ones that I think are amazing! All the retextures/recolors will not work without the mesh of the original one, so you will need to download both! Keep in mind: Some of the following creations come with accessories that can be found in Character Customization, either in the “Hats”, or the “Accessories” section. Here I listed some of my favorite and most used hairstyles, of some of the most creative and trustworthy creators! I also included a mini-guide on how to install the mods for beginners. Millions of hyper-realistic creations – name any length, color, style – and you will probably (with absolutely no doubt) find it! There are thousands of custom hairstyles you can download in-game, for absolutely free.

Most of them come either for free, either with a donation of your choice directly to the creator! But when it comes to hair, I’ve seen custom creations far better than the “vanilla” ones. (The hair swatch I selected here was a white color, as you can see where the true color is peeking through.The Sims 4 has a bunch of expansions and stuff packs, that besides the in-game features, offer cosmetics, new hairstyles and more. I don't really know how to post photos here and I tried uploading the link to the imgur pics through the insert button, but in case it doesn't work, here's the direct link to the pictures I took so you can see what I'm talking about. It's the exact same for every version of the hairs including the original by Newsea. I expect I'll have to change something in Sims4Studio.

I deleted my cache and removed all mods and the resource.cfg file to see if it was another mod or cc conflicting with it, but these screenshots were taken in that state and the problem is still clearly there. So this hair (and companion hair) used to look fine IIRC, but for a really long time, there's been this like, mask over it, where you can see the color it's supposed to be in little places and the rest of it is muted in color. Hair: Newsea Disco Heaven, and the companion hair Disco Ball So I didn't know where to post this, but I hope here is okay!