SheetCAM TNG is an application that addresses companies that are specialized in the production of machining sheet goods made from hard materials, such as thin, metal, or plastic. In the eventuality that you are starting a project from scratch, then you will be happy to learn you can enable the grid so that you can guide yourself. Therefore, you can minutely inspect the patterns you are working on or get an overall view of the model by accessing the dedicated zoom function.

The idea behind the program is to make the design process as smooth as possible and the context menu stands proof in this sense. For instance, if you access the Operation menu, you can set the parameters for tasks that entail contouring, pocketing, drilling, or tapping. As you would expect, the menus are representative of the types of functions you can access. Even though the program comes with a plethora of options, you will be happy to learn that they are neatly arranged within the menu. Once you are done inputting this information, you can access the UI and work on the actual design and patterns.

Upon launch, you are welcomed by a splash window that enables you to specify a few details regarding the sheets that you are trying to design and hence, optimize the machining task. The setup is as simple as it gets and entails following a few standard steps that you are probably accustomed to now. SheetCAM TNG is an application that was specially designed to fill in a niche in the CAM marketplace, namely the one that deals with manufacturing metal, plastic, or thin sheets.